My sedentary lifestyle has been more damaging than I realized.
The last several years I’ve moved from a job that was based on (light) manual labor to a desk job. I haven’t been to the gym in years either. Long story short, I don’t do shit.
I had no idea how badly the inactivity has harmed me. I went camping with some friends recently and simply setting up camp had me completely winded. I was toast. I couldn’t even enjoy the environment or hanging out with my friends since my ass was planted in a chair resting for the duration of the evening. And today, I ache EVERYWHERE. My body can no longer cope with the aftermath of performing even the most basic activities.
I keep thinking about starting a side hustle, designing and building cool shit. But there’s no way I can do that in this body. Before I can even think about a more active business / career, I’ve got to get this weight off. I can’t work on cars cause I’m too damn fat. I can’t build anything with any kind of scale cause I get too damn tired. And I can’t do either with any regularity cause I get too damn sore.
For the next couple months, I think weight loss needs to be my only side hustle. Then when I get a more compatible body, I can look into putting it to work on a new business.