Ketosis Achieved! (Day 5: 319.2)


My random brand keto piss strips arrived from Amazon today. I opened up the jar and let ‘er rip. The strip instantly turned purple! Beautiful, deep, glistening, plum colored keetoney goodness! I love that there is such a simple way to make sure I’m doing the right things. Screw up, and them little strips won’t […]

Not in this body (Day 4:322.2)


My sedentary lifestyle has been more damaging than I realized. The last several years I’ve moved from a job that was based on (light) manual labor to a desk job. I haven’t been to the gym in years either. Long story short, I don’t do shit. I had no idea how badly the inactivity has […]

Whoa. I pee. A lot (Day 3: 326.2)


Guys. Seriously. They weren’t kidding when they said you pee more when you start keto. Between the keto coffee i’m drinking in the morning, and the new diet, I’m peeing all the time. On the upside, I started this diet on a Sunday and today is Tuesday. I started at 333 lbs and this morning […]

I woke up. Not from sleeping… (Day 1: 330lbs)


…but woke the fuck up. I feel like I’ve been going downhill for a really long time. Today I stepped on the scale and proved it. Holy shit. 330 Lbs. I’ve always been a big guy, but this stopped me dead in my tracks. How can this be me? I’ve been over 200 lbs since […]