Final day of keto, for now. (Day 59: 307.2)


Whelp, I made it. Today is the last day of my keto diet. Tomorrow is day 60 and my final weigh-in for this round. I’m up 2 lbs from yesterday. Which is insane cause I know I was under 2k calories. I can’t really explain it. Hopefully I can recover by tomorrow and get a […]

I quit. Well, almost. (Day 56: 305.6)


I’m gettin near the end of this whole 60 days and I’m kinda over it. I’m feeling like it’s time to move on. I’m trying to think about what March and beyond looks like. What the diet is going to be. What my lifestyle is going to look like etc. I’ve pretty much seen what […]

Holy crap I’m hungry (Day 54: 305.6)


I don’t understand what’s going on. I’m pretty much hungry non-stop right now. Maybe my body is starting to get pissed off I’m losing weight. I donno. The last few days I’ve been feeling hungry all the time, regardless of how much I have eaten and regardless of how recently. I had a pretty good […]

I feel like I’m stuck (Day 47: 306.4)


For the last several days my weight in the morning has been bounding between 306 and 307 lbs. Progress when I’ve been following the diet has been pretty consistent up until now. I’m wondering if that initial keto boost is finally over. I spreadsheet’d my current diet and it sits right around 2000 to 2500 […]

20 Lbs lost in one month! (Day 31: 312.9)


Ya know, I really never thought I would get here. I’ve tried the keto diet before and given up after a week or two every time. But despite the drinking and the stones and the ER and random other setbacks, I’m still going. Here’s my 1-month recap. Important to note: The changes I made this […]

Ketosis Achieved! (Day 5: 323.6)


My random brand keto piss strips arrived from Amazon today. I opened up the jar and let ‘er rip. The strip instantly turned purple! Beautiful, deep, glistening, plum colored keetoney goodness! I love that there is such a simple way to make sure I’m doing the right things. Screw up, and them little strips won’t […]

Whoa. I pee. A lot. (Day 3: 326 lbs)


Guys. Seriously. They weren’t kidding when they said you pee more when you start keto. Between the keto coffee i’m drinking in the morning, and the new diet, I’m peeing all the time. On the upside, I started this diet on a Sunday and today is Tuesday. I started at 333 lbs and this morning […]

I woke up. Not from sleeping… (Day 1: 333lbs)


…but woke the fuck up. I feel like I’ve been going downhill for a really long time. Today I stepped on the scale and proved it. Holy shit. 333 Lbs. I’ve always been a big guy, but this stopped me dead in my tracks. How can this be me? I’ve been over 200 lbs since […]