Why do I drink?


The short answer is, I enjoy it. But that’s not a real answer. I already went over how much and how often I drink. That post was about quantity, this post is to attempt to dive into why. I’m bored. Man, COVID lockdown did a number on me. I’m an introvert but the pandemic trained […]

Liquor Habits – Worse than I could have imagined


I drink a lot. Like, a lot. I don’t need to drink every day and I don’t need to be drunk all the time, but when I start to drink, i DRINK. A fifth of 80 proof whiskey or similar has become a single serving. The Stats: I pulled my bank statements for the entire […]

I woke up. Not from sleeping… (Day 1: 330lbs)


…but woke the fuck up. I feel like I’ve been going downhill for a really long time. Today I stepped on the scale and proved it. Holy shit. 330 Lbs. I’ve always been a big guy, but this stopped me dead in my tracks. How can this be me? I’ve been over 200 lbs since […]